Old World Market carries a large selection of imported goods from all over the world. Below is a selection of featured foods from our shelves.
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What is Fufu?
Made from boiled and pounded starchy food crops like plantains, cassava and yams, this is a West African (and Caribbean) staple.
Fufu compliments any soup or stew, especially those of West African descent, such as light soup (nkrakra), palm nut soup (abenkwan), green vegetable soup (abun abun), egusi soup and more. Not only is this delicious food low in cholesterol, it’s also rich in fiber and potassium.
Old World Market carries a broad selection of imported Fufu products.
Green or yellow plantain?
Plantains of all varieties can be prepared in many ways. Steamed, boiled, grilled, baked, or fried. There are even two different ways to fry plantains, as chunky, bite-sized pieces or thinly sliced, like chips.
As plantains ripen, it becomes sweeter and changes color from green to yellow to black, just like the common bananas. Green plantains are firm and starchy and resemble potatoes in flavor. Yellow plantains are softer and starchier yet sweet. Extremely ripe plantains have softer, deep yellow pulp that is much sweeter.

sources : Spruce Eats